The Hidden History of Humanity
the world is very ancient and human origins are mysterious and obscure we tried to decipher our past based upon the multiple layers of civilizations whose ruins lay strewn across the planet like pieces of an archaic jigsaw puzzle.
some of these old civilizations are still buried beneath the deserts mountains and oceans awaiting the time when they will yield their secrets through human discovery or natural cataclysms that will strip away and reveal their hidden locations in the unique perspective on history that will be explored in this series the case for a vaster chronological perspective of history will be investigated based upon ancient sources hitherto unrecognized by the majority with limited tools at the disposal of modern sciences.
the history has been abbreviated into a narrow band that does not sufficiently explain the vast time periods needed to evolve the human form and human consciousness deep in our racial memory or collective consciousness lurks the legends and myths of lands and continents that once existed such as Lemuria and Atlantis fabulous stories abound of advanced cultures with their arts and technologies that have risen to great heights and then fallen back into the dust of history once again .
understanding these rhythms and cycles of time help us to understand that our modern civilizations are not the first to have emerged nor are they necessarily more advanced than previous ones that have come and gone this new approach to history challenges the way we think about the past based upon our cultural religious and educational conditioning these structures have helped humanity thus far understand the world but which in today's rapid acceleration of planetary consciousness are very limited and starting to break down they are overdue for transformation into a broader more inclusive vision the possibility of discovering and understanding the origin of the human soul and it's divine pedigree is imminent in our time we stand before a doorway leading to planetary illumination upon the greatest mysteries of life the hidden history of humanity .
the intention of a hidden history of humanity project is to reestablish the correct chronology and timelines for human history that's part of it the other part of of it is that humanity is disempowered and not knowing its true origins or all indeed the chronology so to establish the correct chronology and the understanding of the root graces how humanity came into being and how the evolution of consciousness perceived from there is going to empower humanity with knowing the truth humanity has is having the truth hidden from it at this point in time but it is actually emerging we have light emerging we have truth emerging and this is happening exoteric li in parallel with this esoteric emergence of of the ageless wisdom teachings .
part of the intention of the hidden history of humanity series is to present a chronological sequence of history that demonstrates the evolution of consciousness by humanity the mystery of when the human soul came into existence and its purpose this first series will establish a broad structure of understanding for the future series that will elaborate further evolution will be traced from before the human race appeared through the stages of the Lemurian Atlantean and current route races it will finish with contemporary humanity that is now transitioning into the six route race it will discuss the evolution that will in fold in the future always in the context of what has transpired it has been said that unless we understand our history then we are condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past on the scientific side several key areas will be explored in this history of the route races such as geology geography astronomy archaeology and anthropology .
from the religious angle some of the most ancient works will be referenced the Hindu Jewish Persian Islamic Buddhist Gnostic Celtic and Christian traditions investigating the hidden history of the world means that we must return to discover the birth of the solar system of which our earth is but one participant stupendous questions will be explored as to how this solar system came into existence with its subsequent planetary schemes chains rounds and globes modern science insists upon the doctrine of evolution so does human reason and the secret doctrine.
the idea is corroborated in ancient legends and myths and even by the Bible when it is interpreted esoterically we see a bud slowly developing from a seed and a flower from the bud but what of the seed with its predetermined program of physical transformation what about the invisible.
therefore spiritual forces which gradually develop its form color and perfume the word evolution speaks for itself.
the origin of the present human race pre-existed in its parent race as a seed in which lies hidden the flower of the next race the ancestors of the present elephant and lizard may have been the mammoth and the Plesiosaurus why should not the originators of our human race have been the Giants described in the ancient Hindu Vedas or the book of Genesis.
there are several keys to the mysteries past present and future of the seven great root races and the seven great cycles every symbol and allegory is said to have seven keys the seven keys to the entrance of the door of the mysteries and that each key must be turned seven times while the Ageless Wisdom has been called the perennial philosophy as well it's ageless because it's timeless is the same verities and truth that exists throughout all time and and the ageless wisdom teachings come through it to us in many forms from mythology through various man UNC's who have been transmitters of the teachings from the hierarchy of the masses of wisdom through the ancient Vedas of course for the spiritual traditions that exist universally these various frequencies of the ageless wisdom teachings are available for people to plug into at whatever level of understanding that they have reached thus far in their in their soul evolution there are several other keys to this study that include psychology physiology metaphysics astrology and sacred geometry the synthesis of even a few of these keys will shed light upon the evolution of consciousness in the human Kingdom the purpose of the human soul and its existence.
for many to be told that the age of thinking humanity is around eighteen point six million years may invite some disbelief or even derision and ridicule such is the state of Maya or illusion in which we all live conditioned by thousands of years of wrong thinking religious propaganda ignorant and lack of spiritual education the somewhat over developed concrete mind of humanity in this fifth root race is a particular liability in that it does not recognize the subtle so easily only that which is tangible history with its many evidences of past civilizations is in a tangled and confused State humanity's approach to our past has imposed upon itself the limitations of dogmatic science and theology ignoring the ancient traditions that hold the keys to many of these riddles we live in a time of the approaching astronomical cycle of Aquarius where the ancient mysteries will be reinstated after thousands of years of being hidden from the eyes and ears of the profane humanity stands at the doorway of initiation into the mysteries of history and higher consciousness .
there are many isolated strands in history that can be drawn together there are many facts that can be collated especially those corroborated by direct as well as inferential evidence found in ancient literature and history this is one of the fundamental purposes of the hidden history of humanity projects books and video series much of this ancient literature is contained within the Hindu Puranas the Upanishads the Rig Veda the Mahabharata and the Ramayana this is logical for the Hindu tradition is the oldest of our current races in the Puranas the meaning and chronological order is very clear we can count generations of the manu's and their series of incarnations as heroes in the old stories.
the man who sets the tone and type of any given race in terms of its evolutionary goal the ancient book of Manu gives a complete narrative of creation with a chronology of the divine ages of the heroes through to the appearance of man on earth likewise in the Egyptian tradition all the lists of past Kings were recorded carefully documenting races and sub races reaching right back into ancient Atlantean and Lemurian history .
the most recent references to our current fifth root race also come to us from the old testament where the history of all the human races is contained in the first six chapters of Genesis much of this will also be explored in this series Genesis from chapter 4 verse 16 through to the end of the fifth chapter gives purely historical facts taken word-for-word from the secret Book of Numbers in the great oriental Kabbalah the patriarchs of the Old Testament such as Adam Cain and Seth are the same as the Hindu monos who set the tone impulse and purpose for each evolution in the root races sub races and branch races the book of Revelation chapter 17 verse 10 has preserved a tradition that speaks of the seven races where there are seven kings five of whom have fallen one is and the other is not yet come.
this passage refers to the five root races that have elapsed including our fifth root race that is almost finished that which is not yet come refers to the coming sixth and seventh root races interpretation of the Bible both in the new and Old Testaments and based upon the secret sciences has yet to be fully exposed with its many allusions to the Septon Airi Constitution of Earth and man to the seven major cycles or rounds and the seven root races .
the ancient Greek tradition was also a repository of the Ageless Wisdom encoded throughout it's wonderful and deeply evocative mythology the Greek allegories give to Atlas seven daughters representing the seven sub races of Atlantis these daughters are the mothers of famous heroes the founders of many nations and cities astronomically atlases daughters are the seven Pleiades the two are connected with nations whose destinies are shaped by the past events of their early lives according to Universal karmic law in the Greek tradition the root races are divided into the golden silver bronze and iron ages and have an identical correspondence to the Hindu Yuga cycles such as the Kali and Satya Yuga .
the three one-eyed Giants of Greek mythology are a reference to the last sub races of the Lemurian root race hence we can see the sources of the ageless wisdom or perennial philosophy that lay hid in Universal mythology and religion the same or similar stories are told in all cultures indicating the consistency and veracity of these ancient stories within the collective consciousness of humanity mythology is one of the great keys to studying the mysteries because the mysteries are encoded in mythology and Greek mythology and Scandinavian mythology and mythology of all traditions like music mythology is one of the great universal languages that we can understand and which anyone can tap into quite easily for from understanding the archetypes of the gods that are that are described in the various stories in mythology we have the stories of all the planets and their relationship to one another personified by the plant regards we have Zeus Jupiter and Mars and Venus and Mercury they all have these various stories which describe their interrelationship with one another.
the ancient wisdom teachings are encoded in all mythologies east and west the secret history of the world is revealed in many traditions the duration of which far surpasses the minuscule figures used in modern times in the denial or ignorance of its true origins lies the source of disempowerment for Humanity in not knowing its divine source the nature of the human soul and the very lengthy evolution of human consciousness.
who today really reflects about our true history and ancient past preoccupied as we are in a busy world trying to survive most people accept the culturally conditioned views of the Western Bible and or modern science both of which do not on the average offer more than five to ten thousand years for the origin of human civilization however this is changing in some fields of science going back into hundreds of thousands or millions of years in some cases in our current fifth root race resonant with five the number of mind there has been achieved a perfection refinement and quintessential expression of the concrete mind although this has brought many benefits in science and technology its shadow expression via the critical mind tends to be separative at the expense of the love principle.
the lower mind only functions through the five tangible senses in the coming Aquarian cycle the secret sciences will blend more fully with mainstream science the sixth sense or intuition is in its early stage of development in this imminent six route race.
hence perception of the more subtle aspects of human evolution such as the aura chakras and the invisible forces behind nature is still limited unrecognized and unrealized by the majority .
with regard to our history there are many crystallized belief systems that influence current world thinking they are compounded by an unquestioning and undiscriminating acceptance under the authority of modern science or religion .
likewise history tends to stay in a straitjacket of conformist consensus thinking that excludes any other viewpoints this is changing however almost imperceptibly as Enquirer's from many disciplines are questioning existing viewpoints of the status quo they are uncovering more and more evidence that will continually transform current thinking this hidden history of humanity project series is part of this incoming wave expanding our worldview pushing us ever forward in our evolution .
there is one boundless immutable principle one absolute reality which antecedent conditioned being it is beyond the range and reach of any human thought or expression the manifested universe is contained within this absolute reality and is a conditioned symbol of it .
our planet and the whole cosmic scheme with its suns constellations galaxies and attendant planets are part of one great cosmic plan whereby ever-increasing expansion of consciousness occurs the Buddha said veil after veil will fall but veil after veil remains .
the cosmos is ever-expanding speculation on the intelligences and hierarchical orders of worlds is evident in many traditions one can only ponder on the rich diversity of life within this living cosmos .
all of these factors inform us that we cannot possibly be the only form of creative intelligence in this vast panorama of worlds and humanity is coming to this gradual realization and imminent revelation in fact .
the earth in Carnot's over many vast cycles called rounds or manvantara z' in the hindu parlance these cycles pour through the various so-called globe's chains and schemes of earth evolution .
the rounds are enormous periods of time and there are seven rounds that correspond to each plant reincarnation or globe of the so called planetary logos and we are currently in the fourth round of seven rounds at the moment and this has brought about in an elapsed time around about one point nine three billion years we are halfway through this globe period and these rounds are broken up into two others lesser cycles of 317 million years each and these are called manvantar o's manvantara they can be a generic name applied to any cycle litterin means between two monos and the mono is the being who sets the archetype for any particular race.
so these seven rounds are opportunities for the incarnated monads of the planet to gain experience by incarnating upon these streams of energy which we call rounds and and subsequently find their incarnation into the various races sub races and branch races in this diagram of the earth scheme are seven large circles called chains within each of these large circles are seven smaller circles called Globes the planets are called schemes because behind the visible outer planet are a series of worlds in more subtle matter called Globes and chains.
a planetary scheme holds within it the microcosm of the entire solar system our planetary logos which is the in solling entity of our physical earth undergoes many incarnations which are called globe periods there are seven Globes that are contained in a chain of globes these seven chains in a scheme make a total of seven times seven equal 49 globes they represent past and future incarnations of the life we call a planetary logos or God upon our planet note that the current incarnation of the earth is chain number four the central chain of the seven chains the third chain is also called the moon chain a previous incarnation of the earth for which our Moon today is a remnant and reminder.
so the rounds and globes and chains refer to the greater picture of evolution so if we're considering the whole solar system as an incarnation of a great life that emanates from Sirius then we can get into a little bit more detail within the solar system every plant in the solar system is regarded as a planetary scheme and within that scheme exists the Globes and the chains of each particular planetary scheme which is a microcosm of the entire solar system so various Globes and chains within the earth scheme named the Neptune chain or the Venus globe and so forth and and of course all these santeri schemes within the solar system are connected to one another in time and space.
today our earth scheme is currently in the fourth globe of the fourth chain about halfway through its evolution it is now in the 25th globe or incarnation of a total of 49 globes in the earth scheme a globe period lasts for 4.32 billion years .
the solar system as a whole is said to be at the middle point of its evolution but on a much larger scale of some 155 trillion years the yuccas cycles have been described as symbolic by many modern scholars but they are also literal in terms of time measurement these are stupendous timescales yet if one seriously studies and reflects upon the ancient Hindu UGA's it will be found that they have an innate beauty and truth that transcends our modern measurements of time the law of periodicity is basically the science of cycles so periodically these cycles recur over periods of time they repeat but they repeat on different terms of the evolutionary spiral so we have cycles of the rays we have cycles of the planets and we of course have cycles of the zodiac we have the precession cycle of the zodiac every twenty five thousand nine hundred and twenty years so we have many many wheels within wheels to study in the science of cycles and it can get very confusing the Yuga cycles of the Hindu tradition are based upon the precession cycle of the Sun goings with the zodiac so we have a 2100 a 60 years cycle of the Sun processing through Aquarius through Pisces and so forth and if we might apply the 2150 years cycle by by two we get four thousand three hundred and twenty which Blavatsky tells us is a magical cipher that we can use to to calculate some of these cycles called the yoga's .
here is a simple representation of the proportion of the four yugas that comprise a Maha yoga or Great Wheel the lesser yoga's or wheels are the wheels within wheels the yoga's above described the four Yuga's of this current fifth root race that started almost four million years ago.
starting with the Satya Yuga and moving clockwise through the lesser yoga's to finish at the Kali Yuga that started around 3000 BC.
humanity has required eons for physical and mental development to evolve into its relatively sophisticated modern state what do you think have you ever wondered just how long it has taken human evolution to unfold have you accepted what you were told at school or believed what adamant biblical scholars have declared or have you gone along with modern Sciences Authority how can we consider a longer time frame for history which ultimately conceals the greatest puzzles of existence and the mystery of the human soul.
when the traditions of the most ancient cultures are consulted we find for instance that the Hindu Tamil calendar known as the Tarot Khanda panchanga gives the beginning of our strictly human evolution in this cycle at around eighteen point six million years these cycles also go back into trillions of years and the Mayans have documented them in the billions are these figures fanciful symbolic or factual and literal although there are paradoxes about certain timescales between ancient sources and modern science there is agreement about some of the really big cycles for instance noted scientists the late Carl Sagan said the Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the cosmos itself undergoes an immense indeed an infinite number of deaths and rebirths it is the only religion in which timescales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology it's cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma eight point sixty four billion years long longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun.
physicist Fridtjof Capra in his best-selling book wrote this idea of a periodically expanding and contracting universe which involves the scale of time and space of vast proportions has risen not only in modern cosmology but also in ancient Indian mythology experiencing the universe as an organic and rhythmically moving cosmos the Hindus were able to develop evolutionary cosmologies which come very close to our modern scientific models .
revitalizing the truths of this existing paradigm of the science of cycles is another purpose of the hidden history of humanity project it is an inherent part of the ancient wisdom of several cultures part of our racial memory that we can all intuitively tap in to recognize and understand the key is to experiment with these laws by not dismissing them out of hand Enquirer's in their specific disciplines may find a great expansion of understanding through the application of the law of cycles all cycles take place to a lesser degree within the timespan of the so-called seven route races whilst a far vaster reach of time encompasses the globe's chains and schemes .
humanity is somewhat disempowered in not understanding its past which is the origin and purpose of the human soul .
also there has not been a fixed time from which to reckon by which to measure history and saddled with the shortened chronology that is supposed to explain the entire unfoldment of the human race a distorted reality has been created the spiritual path is one of forever peeling back layers of illusion and the mystery of human evolution is one of the greatest secrets yet to be fully revealed .
as noted earlier modern science and the Secret Sciences roughly concur on some of the big cosmic cycles yet it is ironic that in the time scales for the sciences such as archaeology and anthropology there is required a huge addition of time for the birth of civilization from 3000 to 4000 BC back to 18 point 5 million years equating the esoteric record of time with the current accepted geological record there is a massive subtraction of time from around 65 million years for the Jurassic age down to 28 to 20 million years for the esoteric doctrine the big dinosaurs may well have existed 65 million years ago yet the esoteric doctrine states that the reptile extinction was closer to 20 million years ago disparities and contradictions abound yet they are not unresolvable or irreconcilable consider that around 500 years ago it was thought that the Sun orbited the earth and that the earth was flat .
now that illusion has been stripped away and transcended thanks to the astronomer Copernicus yet despite all the amazing scientific advances since then accompanied by expansions of human consciousness with regard to Earth's true history in some ways we still live in relatively medieval times now humanity's next phase of penetrating the Veil of Maya is to understand just exactly how old it is time is an illusion yet just as a human being has its allotted lifespan so do all other lives plants solar systems galaxies races civilizations and nations all entities therefore have a measurable cycle in which to achieve certain goals in their evolutionary pattern esoteric cycles are based upon the astronomical procession of the Earth orbiting the Sun it takes 2160 years for the Sun to precess through one sign of the zodiac from here all the greater cycles are measured.
in this simple table the chronology of science is on the right-hand side whilst the chronology of the secret sciences is on the left the figures are in millions of years even though there are large disparities between the figures when more understanding of the process of dating the earth is acquired these figures will concur with one another in this table we can see that the astronomical procession cycle of 2000 160 years is the basis for all the greater cycles of how 12 of these cycles create a great year of twenty five thousand nine hundred and twenty years of how multiples of the four thousand three hundred and twenty cycle create the figures of the Hindu UGA's and then as we move down the table we can see how these UGA's mathematically compose the maha yoga's and the manvantar --is four rounds eventually a day of brahma is reached delineating the time for an entire globe period or one incarnation .
in each globe incarnation of Earth's there are seven major cycles of evolution also called rounds the rounds are composed of two cycles each called manvantara so that total 14 in all the rounds are cycles where in the life wave of human spirits incarnate through a planetary scheme and its chains and globes this human life wave experiences life in all kingdoms starting with the mineral vegetable animal human and finally the kingdom of souls what is our purpose as spiritual monads to embark upon such a long journey through all the kingdoms part of the answer to this mystery is to evolve and grow and to bring evolution upon earth to perfection eventually to the status of a so called sacred planet this has ramifications for the greater life of the solar system and its own evolution as a whole we can see therefore the inseparability of ourselves from the Great Creator and all kingdoms in nature for they are all modes of expression for this great being to redeem purify and transform into higher consciousness thereby eventually joining a greater evolution with the other planets in the solar system .
now the rounds are the cycles of time of the various groupings of monads that cycle through the globe and chain of a particular scheme the rounds extend for a period of six hundred and seventeen million years and they are composed of two men van terrace which are 308 odd million years each and so there is a certain in breathing and out breathing of these men van terrors or cycles of time in each of the great cycles we call rounds there are seven root races combined with the seven rounds this makes a total of seven times seven or forty-nine root races in a globe period as above so below just as we explored the forty-nine globes of the planetary scheme so this evolution is reflected in the forty-nine root races in just one globe period these rounds and root races provide the physical body of incarnation 'el experience for our earth logos human souls are light cells within this greater body of God .
within each root race are seven sub races and within each sub race are seven branch races 7 times 7 times 7 equals 343 races all with their allotted cycles providing a highly diversified human expression throughout the ages the branch races in their turn give birth to the nation's a root race is a planned unfoldment of consciousness whereas certain archetype is created by the so called manu of the races and various civilizations unfold within that particular time period of a root race which of course encapsulate seven sub races and seven branch races within each sub race giving many many different incarnations and possibilities of civilizations and of course.
all the soul groupings the seven race all groupings who incarnate through those particular branch races and sub erases and route races to gain experience and of course all aim towards enlightenment and liberation ultimately. hence the nations that come and go are the leaves upon this Tree of Life they have their autumns and Springs and constitute the shortest cycles of a few thousand years the smaller branches that support the leaves are the branch races with cycles that correspond to a 26,000 year precession cycle the larger branches embody the much larger cycles of the sub races the trunk of the tree represents the largest cycle embodied by a root race all the races and sub races that evolve our seeds for the next level of evolution all races and sub races have a long overlap so whilst one race is unfolding it will give birth to another distinct race that will unfold on a partially parallel timeline although this is a two-dimensional diagram we can think of time and evolution as spiral ik .
the root races started around 150 million years ago during the latter part of that immense cycle we call the fourth round the first two and a half human races were in the subtle or etheric realm and gradually evolved into a physical form with skin and bones in the middle of the third root race of Lemuria human bodies were enormous in those times but through development of the mental principle became smaller and more refined.
halfway through the third or Lemurian route race in the precise evolutionary cycle a magnificent preordained spiritual event occurred on earth it was the coming of the Lords of flame who imparted the spark of mind to humanity this was a humanity who were hitherto only members of the animal kingdom with animal instinctual awareness and in reality no mind this period is known as individualization and it is where Earth's greatest mysteries lay hidden the Lords of flame are also known as kumaras and emanated from an evolution from within the earth scheme called The Venus chain it was an evolution associated with Venus but not from the planet Venus per se remember each planet is a scheme of chains and globes which are a microcosm of the great solar system the planets sing together creating the music of the spheres a cosmic symphony the presence of these hundred and five kumaras created a great influx of force so powerful that a mighty storm rain over the planet destroying most of the animal kingdom dinosaurs and humans alike.
the advent of the Lords of the flame the electrical storm which ushered in the period of man was distinguished by disaster chaos and the destruction of much of the animal kingdom. the spark of mind was implanted in humanity the strength of its vibration and the immediate effect of its presence caused the death of the animal form thus producing the immediate possibility of the newly vitalized soul bodies vibrating to such purpose that new physical bodies were taken for incarnation this individualization period occurred in the third branch race of the third sub race of the third root race Lemuria expressed as 3 3 3 the number 3 relates to the universal mother who births all forms the individualization process started twenty one point six million years ago the chronology of the secret sciences that pinpoints the death of the dinosaurs. after a few million years the individualization process for various groupings of humans culminated eighteen point six million years ago with the final registering of this spark of mind consciousness was not instantaneously received like turning on a light switch groups of souls needed special attention by the guides of the race in this three million year period to fan their spark into a flame.
during this period another miraculous evolution occurred the future humans who were hitherto members of the animal kingdom with only instinctual consciousness or hermaphrodite also in other words they reproduce themselves without the aid of any mate thus hermaphrodite humanity gradually transformed into a - sexed species over this 3 million year period by the time the process was completed it corresponded to the completion of the individualization period eighteen point six million years ago in the 5th sub race of Lemuria male and female then started to reproduce the way humans do today Adam and Eve in the garden represented this separation of the sexes whilst the eating of the Apple was the gaining of consciousness this biblical story will be covered in greater detail in this series .
if we study the individualization period we can find most of the mysteries of humanity are encoded in around this time the period of individualization represented the awakening of humanity who were previously part of the animal kingdom an awakened pretty much with animal consciousness at that time it occurred back in Lemurian times halfway through the Lemurian root race and it was kick-started or triggered by the so called Lords of flame who came from an evolution within the earth scheme this evolution within the earth scheme is associated with Venus but it was not Venus per se the presence of these beings these Camaros or Lords of flame created an electrical field around the planet that ended up destroying most of the animal kingdom at that time and this was probably the true period of the death of the dinosaurs it was the death of the human forms at that time who were part of the animal kingdom but they reincarnated after this period with causal bodies or souls the spark of mind was born this occurred around about 21 and a half million years ago but it took about 3 million years to fan the spark of mind into a greater flame so to speak and over this 3 million year period humanity became individualized in various ray groupings around the planet so animal man of the time went from instinctual consciousness to individual self-consciousness they became self-aware and this particular period is delineated in the in Genesis in the Bible and where Adam and Eve knew each other this was the time of individualization sort of more or less mythologically expressed this table shows the time line that corresponds to these sub race events in Lemuria gradually all the lords of flame their work completed returned to the Venusian evolution within the earth scheme yet seven of these kumaras stayed the chief of whom is called sanat-kumara or Melchizedek also known as The Watcher or the Ancient of Days he presides over humanity until the last weary pilgrim struggles home in other words until the last of humanity achieves liberation this was also the time of the establishment of the planetary center called Shambhala over which sanat-kumara presides .
the following table shows that Shambala establishment coincided with human individualization the being whose body is our planet utilizes the human races for expression here again we see our inseparability from deity and that our evolution contribute to the greater evolution and vice versa in the table we can see these chronological correspondences with the sub races and root races .
the humanity of that ancient time was enormous in stature though evolution has been refining and decreasing in size up to our present day even over 4 million years ago when the final destruction of Lemuria occurred just before the first Atlantean destruction there were still very large Giants indeed the statues of Easter Island that are about 30 feet or 10 metres high are representative of the height of the Giants of that time .
of all the mammalians man is the only one whom science does not allowed to have dwarfed down like all other animal frames a decrease in size is allowed from the dinosaurs to the present day reptiles but not for man this is partly due to the so-called lack of evidence of physical skeletons because of factors such as the action of sand on the ocean floor upon bones or that cremation was universal up to one hundred thousand years ago this will also be explored in depth later in this series because such a small time period of six to ten thousand years for human development has been assigned by contemporary science it does not allow sufficient time to entertain the idea that giant humans gradually decreased in size over a period of millions of years in parallel with the reptile kingdom in other words in Lemurian times humans were about the height of dinosaurs over the past 20 million years reptiles and humans have decreased to the size they are today .
so the hidden history of humanity project seeks to document and visit many sites around the world where the these relics and artifacts remain of of ancient civilizations such as Tiahuanaco in in South America Cusco in Peru Easter Island the ancient ruins of Greece and many ruins around the the Mediterranean their extent across the whole planet in fact this architecture is called cyclopean pentagonal architecture which odd sized blocks but quite often with five sides fitting perfectly into one another and creating earthquake proof walls and buildings and so we have many instances of ruins extent around the world that have this kind of architecture for instance in Mycenae in greece we have these marvelous ruins that look like they've been built by giants and in fact part of the hidden history of humanity project looks at the evolution of the human form from giants down to the size that we are today and in fact these giants built in fact we were talking about cyclopean architecture we're talking about the cyclops the legendary giants with the with the one eye and these giants to exist back in Lemurian times and actually physically manhandled these enormous blocks that were many tons into position .
the Titans of old and the Cyclops legendary three eyed mortals belonged to the fourth Atlantean root race all their subsequent legends and allegories are found in the Hindu Puranas the Greek myths and Homer based upon hazy reminiscences of real titans men of superhuman tremendous physical power which enabled them to defend themselves and hold at bay gigantic monsters of the geological Mesozoic and early Cenozoic times. in the mythology of the ancient Cyclops the three Giants with one eye are said to represent the last three sub races of that newly conscious Lemurian race at the peak of physical development in atlantis they have been described as towering Giants of godly strength and beauty and the depositories of all the mysteries of heaven and earth the Giants of both Lemuria and Atlantis were able to build large structures and lift enormous Li heavy slabs of stone but also had at their disposal technologies that allowed stones weighing many tons to be lifted effortlessly an imperishable record about the gradual evolution of the races has been left for us in the Bayon statues of Afghanistan they were created during the Atlantean flood when initiate adepts of Atlantis were taking refuge in the Central Asian mountains the five different sizes of these statues are said to represent the height of the five root races in their enormous early etheric stages and in their later still gigantic and then smaller physical development the civilizations in Lemuria and Atlantis also had access to technologies based upon sound that was able to create a vacuum and lift these blocks effortlessly these many of these blocks that way many tons or to transport them from many miles away to their particular sites such as Stonehenge is a good example of this and in many of the mythological stories in South America in the Celtic countries of Europe we find very similar stories of a magician or a sorcerer who transported these stones from many miles away effortlessly through the air the transport of these stones may seem like a magical process to us but to those who who had the knowledge it was simply about rendering the atoms within these stones weightless and this is the science of magic.
it's important for humanity to understand their true origins because we really don't know most people do not think about history they have a vague sort of idea that we came from somewhere came from apes usually this is what is taught in the in high school and we evolved from apes somehow into human beings well the secret doctrine states the opposite that in fact apes were a byproduct of human evolution that went wrong at one stage back in the Morean times it was not part of the planned of the plan of planned evolution these beings the so called narrow headed
I think Pulaski gives one term bred with animals they're created monsters all sorts of hybrids that were unintended for the evolutionary goal apes of today descendants from some of these hybrids and monsters that were created back then and our reminder of the human transgression that took place back in the million times according to a cult doctrine humans bred with animals in Lemuria creating an unnatural and unplanned linking the hybrid monsters created were the ancestors of our modern Apes at individualization certain groups of souls refused to incarnate because they regarded the bodies at their disposal as to course they were ultimately responsible for the groups of humans that caused this evolutionary anomaly the so-called sin of the mindless the modern-day orangutan is a peculiarly human reminder of that ancient transgression and today these Apes are getting much publicity because their habitats are being destroyed in Indonesia through rainforest logging when the unplanned inbreeding occurred with animals the celestial guides immediately struck some groups with sterility in order to halt that which was not in the program of the Divine Plan .
can we imagine if this one fact of the secret sciences was considered that Apes were created by humans breeding with animals what a dramatic revolution in consciousness would take place in how humanity views itself currently in educational institutions a 5,000 to 10,000 year history of the human race is taught and that it evolved from apes humanity however has a much more divine and ancient pedigree Madagascar was once part of the Lemurian continent and boasts dozens of species of lemur monkeys Lemuria was originally part of a long prolongation of land but the main continent extended from Madagascar in the West encompassing India Australia and Indonesia right across the Pacific Ocean taking in Easter Island Hawaii and parts of the Americas Australia is the largest surviving remnant of this once vast supercontinent .
the fledgling humanity during early Lemuria was under the guidance of divine beings said to emanate from celestial spheres far higher than our own giving instruction in building agriculture fishing and language these divine beings are the source of modern speculations that Earth has had many visits from ancient aliens these same speculations tend to attribute everything to them which is not necessarily the case .
however the mighty ones performed their great works and left behind them everlasting monuments to commemorate their visits every time they penetrated within our veil of illusion they appeared at the beginning of every great year or procession cycle of 26,000 years .
in ancient aldea these beings were called the kabiri or kibarim meaning the measure of the heavens in order to prepare suitable candidates for initiation it was decided about 17 million years ago to build an organization and a headquarters for the mysteries .
today determines the astronomical conclusion of one precession cycle and the beginning of another can we again soon expect visits from the mighty ones or are they already here the many daily occurrences of UFO sightings may will indicate them making observations of how humanity is responding to its opportunities .
there is no doubt that advanced beings have always assisted humanity from the first kumaras of ancient Lemuria in times who taught building and agriculture to the kabiri who have visited every 26,000 years to seed another impulse for the next cycle yet earth evolution has seen the perfection of many of its own who have chosen to remain behind and guide humanity the Masters of the wisdom and the adepts of Shambhala have possession of the secret knowledge that lays behind the ancient lost technologies such as pyramid building lasers and anti-gravity flying craft .
all of these technologies have been gifts to humanity from the mighty ones whose origins may go well beyond the solar system to star systems such as the Pleiades Orion or serious yet because of abuses of those gifts these god-given things have been taken back as a parent takes matches away from a child the ancient wisdom has had a veil thrown over it yet in the past century that very same veil is starting to reveal what has been hidden for so long the revitalization of the ancient mystery teachings is extremely important at this time because it parallels the externalization of the hierarchy who have been behind the scenes watching over human evolution for the last three or four million years and who of course are about to react sternal eyes again so when the hierarchy rear externalized back amongst humanity who will be walking amongst humanity this has not happened for a long time it will also be a catalyst for the reinstitution of the mystery schools and where candidates for initiation can go to these mystery schools and learn the Ageless Wisdom participate in group meditation and prepare themselves as candidates for initiation.
unlike ancient times when the human race was guided by mighty celestial beings the guidance now comes mainly from the secret adepts those who have run the full gamut of human existence and become perfected whose spirits have triumphed over matter and who can bend matter to their will who now serve Him anity by watching over and guiding their progress allowing as much as possible for human free will to determine its own destiny yet this inner government of the planet surely interacts with and regulates.
the presence of extraterrestrial visitors in our current fifth root race there is an accent upon the perfection of the lower mind somewhat to the exclusion of the more subtle senses of the intuition and the inner wisdom hence we must be careful not to interpret ancient texts symbols and statues literally or to materialistically especially if we lack an understanding of the subtle Constitution of man the ancients were far more poetic and artistic in their expression of the inner secrets many phenomena can be speculated to have origins beyond our earth and indeed there are some who look entirely through this prism yet many phenomena if not most are generally generated within the earth due to the law of cause and effect or karma and the rectification of natural laws and principles which govern earth life in the days of Lemuria and Atlantis humanity had not developed these marvellous technologies with their own minds today however we are just starting to recover some of those lost gifts through our own mental development that has evolved since those times the mighty ones must surely be watching on with interest and readiness in case we look like destroying our planet through repeating past abuses so the reason for this series of documentaries is to really illustrate how the true history of humanity has unfolded and how humanity can be empowered by knowing its true origins and knowing where it stands today in time and space and this will help people to make decisions about their future to play their part far more consciously within the greater divine plan .
in part one of the hidden history of humanity documentary we covered an introduction to the grander scheme of cosmos and the enormous cycles of the manvantar --is that circulate through the chains and globes of our earth scheme this involved the consideration of the Hindu UGA's and astronomical procession cycles plus the cyclical nature of time all inextricably linked with the unfoldment of the root races sub races and nations in short the history of civilization we examined the idea of human individualization in ancient Lemuria and the implantation of the spark of mind that started the evolution of consciousness throughout the route races this period of planetary history encompasses the profound mystery of the origin of the human soul .
the nature of the planetary center we call Shambhala was explored plus those who guide humanity the Lords of the flame the mighty ones and the Masters of wisdom .
in part two of the hidden history of humanity documentary we will review the original Shambhala as the temple of I bears located in South America also the evolution of the Atlantean root race giants megalithic constructions and the great Atlantean war as told in the ancient epic the Mahabharata we will detail how the two great world wars of the last century were a recapitulation of the war in Atlantis a conflict between the forces of light and the forces of materialism still ongoing today Plato's Atlantis is also mentioned as an important source of the Ageless Wisdom this will lead us to the consideration of the role of the Egyptian and Mayan traditions and their relevance in modern times leading into the coming sixth root race we will explore the importance of Britain the United States and Brazil as a triangle of nations preparing us for the sixth root race imminent earth changes and cataclysms the year 2025 and the reappearance among humanity of the Masters of wisdom for the first time since those ancient Atlantean days all these changes will be occurring on the eve of the Aquarian cycle where spiritual initiation will be achieved on mass and the expansion of human consciousness will go steadily forward .
this period of awakening is upon a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral to humanity's individualization which occurred in ancient Lemuria when the planetary center known as Shambhala was established .
it is highly likely that this original Shambhala outpost could have been in Brazil or the region of Lake Titicaca straddling Peru and Bolivia in these early Lemurian times human bodies were gigantic and clumsy requiring instruction in what we now call hatha yoga in order to coordinate the etheric body with the physical this was the first spiritual goal for humanity and represented the first initiation .
in order to prepare suitable candidates for initiation it was decided about 17 million years ago to build an organization and a headquarters for the mysteries and to have a band of adepts and celestial guides who would function in physical bodies to meet the need of the rapidly awakening humanity these beings incarnated as kings and priests of Nations the instructors of humanity the Ibiza adepts had to deal with the humanity that was in its infancy whose polarization was most unstable and whose coordination was very imperfect there was very little mentality to be found as we know it today and humans were practically all together astral in their expression they functioned even more consciously on the astral plane than on the physical and it was part of the work of the guides of the race working under instruction from Shambhala to develop the energy centers of humans to stimulate the brain and make them fully self conscious on the physical plane the infant humanity of Lemurian and early.
Atlantean days had to be taught who they were by means of symbols and methods which to us would be crude impossible and of a nature which the race should have transcended many millions of years ago it was necessary in those days to employ methods more definitely physical than are permissible today these methods of physical stimulation were employed and the laws of energy as they work through the various chakras were taught until the time came when another big change was made and the door of initiation was opened their objective was to bring about a realization of the kingdom of God within it was felt at the time that man was then self-centered enough and individualized enough to permit of a drastic change in method and practice all this took a vast period of time so humanity were imbued with the spark of mind but it wasn't the type of consciousness mental consciousness that we have today it was very very slow and different they had huge bodies at that time as well the bodies were not refined there were somewhat clumsy and so the first yoga of the marine race was hatha yoga the coordination of the etheric body and the physical body so what we had in the fifth sub race of the Lemurian root race was the completion of the individualization period but also the separation of the sexes and humanity started reproducing the same way we do today .
almost immediately after individualization in La Maria's fifth sub-race the atlantean fourth root race came into existence and developed in parallel with the Lemurians for millions of years it was in the Atlantean race that to ID site evolved over a few million years replacing the original all-seeing eye of the Lemurians there were three eyed beings in that interim period that also had four arms gradually over the next few million years as the Atlantean or fourth root race came into fuller expression in its first few sub-races this all-seeing eye at the top of the head receded into the brain where its remnant the pineal gland sits today .
to ID site represented the development of mind and in one sense duality from one perspective the Lemurians were far more spiritual whilst the Atlanteans were deeply immersed in matter but it can be misleading to think this way the ancient story of the fall is simply the fall into matter by human souls and not necessarily a fall from spiritual grace the fall from grace was the refusal of a group of souls to incarnate thus bearing responsibility for the so called sin of the mindless referred to earlier .
a long time later after the separation of the sexes humanity's spiritual vision became dim and the third eye began to lose its power the third I was getting gradually petrified and soon disappeared when the fourth root race arrived at its middle-age the inner vision had to be awakened and acquired by artificial stimuli the process of which was known to the old sages the science of initiation was introduced by Shambhala x' masters and adapts in order to hasten evolution because our earth scheme had fallen behind in the previous cycle of the moon chain deemed a failure hence Earth has two major groupings of souls today those who individualized on the moon and earth chains respectively moon change souls are far more developed in their mental capacity and to a degree spiritually however there is now a rapid acceleration by their earth chain counterparts in this current fifth root race the race where the mental principle has reached its apotheosis it is said that the respective difference between capital and labor and several other conflicts on this planet are expressions of the difference between moon chain and earth change souls .
essentially there are two types of souls upon this planet though those who evolved in the moon chain evolution who individualized in the moon chain evolution and those who individualized in the earth chain evolution in our civilization we call the mirror and the earth chain evolution is a long way behind the moon chain evolution in terms of mental capacity that has been evolved but they are rapidly catching up in this fifth root race which is all about manners or mind yet still the moon change souls are more advanced in many ways in terms of just their soul age if you like but it's getting to a point on the planet whether as a synthesis taking place between the earth chain and Moon chain evolutions and this too will take place in the Age of Aquarius in the greater twenty five thousand year cycle and to a degree in the lesser two thousand one hundred and fifty years ago the early sub-races of the 4th.
Atlantean root race saw an acceleration of consciousness take place caused mainly by the large influx of souls from the moon chain they had been held over in a kind of sleep state called pralaya waiting for earth chained humanity to catch up in their mental development relatively speaking in Atlantis many scientific technologies were gifted by the guides of the race to humanity astronomy and astrology came about the arts and sciences were developed in the esoteric sciences it is estimated that this period was around 10 million years ago other gifts were the artificial awakening of psychic perception within the race yet this was ultimately misused and abused as was the developing mental principle and so for several million years we had the sub-races of Lemuria intermingling with the sub races of Atlantis the first few sub races of Atlantis and the latter sub races of Lemuria they ward with each other.
they interacted with each other they mated with each other there was a lot that we don't know about this period and so the consciousness in Atlantean times was relatively uninvolved there were mainly emotionally or astrally polarized and so the guides of the race awakened them artificially they had the third eye factor in their in their consciousness awakened and they were able to see psychically and because they had not developed the mental capacities so much they were given many gifts of Technology by the guides of the race and yet many of these things these paths that they were given were abused and this is why the guiding hierarchy of the time forced humanity to make a choice because of these abuses was moving so out of control and one of the major abuses was the the crime of theft of desiring anything that that others wanted and appropriating it for themselves there was also sex magic black magic of all kinds.
the humanity at that time were far more emotionally polarized they they hadn't really developed the mental function so strongly except for the initiative disciples at that time of course we're told that the Krishna and the Buddha were initiated in a particular ashram during Outland ten times and they were the foremost.
they were the cream of the crop though the foremost initiates at that time this particular evolution of a certain percentage of disciples from the Atlantean time also forced this cleavage between light and matter you see and it represented in terms of looking at the whole chain or globe period from the greater perspective the deepest incarnation into matter for the planetary logos at that time so it was a huge planetary crisis in a kind of initiation of sorts for the planetary logos toward the middle period of the Atlantean civilization in the fourth branch race fourth sub race of this fourth route race or for for for about 4 million years ago emerged a great crisis caused by the abuses of selfishness and materialism the watching guides of the race who walked amongst humanity and who were leaders and kings of nations had to draw a line declaring this is the way of light there is the way of darkness humanity make your choice this ultimatum precipitated the Atlantean conflict as told in the Hindu epic the Mahabharata it represented the deepest point of incarnation into matter for our earth deity the esoteric doctrine tells us that there was one group composed of Lemurians and Atlanteans who were initiated in the divine doctrine of pure revelation yet there was another group who inhabited the lost Atlantis and were born with a site which embraced all hidden things and was independent of both distance and material obstacle their sight was unlimited and they knew all things at once they were natural-born mediums who neither struggled nor suffered to obtain their knowledge nor did they acquire it at the price of any sacrifice the first group walked in the path of their divine instructors acquiring their knowledge by degrees learning at the same time to discern the evil from the good the second group blindly followed the insinuations of the great and invisible king Siva tot who had neither learned nor acquired knowledge thus under the evil insinuations of this King the Atlantean race became a nation of wicked magicians .
these so-called Lords of materiality still have a strong influence on humanity still immersed in the eternal struggle between light and darkness today this period of time was the Kali Yuga cycle of the fourth Atlantean root race the Kali Yuga is the age of death and destruction and the Atlantean race was giving birth to the next fifth root race .
it was the period of the fourth branch race of the fourth sub race of the fourth root race or four four four rapidly approaching the fifth branch race which would be the seed for this fifth root race thus four four four became four four five the Hindu story of the Mahabharata of which the bhagavad-gita is the golden kernel recalls the first major conflict in Atlantis where the forces of materialism were ranged against the forces of light what is this mad and shameful weakness stand up and fight I'm in anguish I can't see where my duty lies teach me what is Krishna doing he's speaking to Arjuna what is he saying he's telling Arjuna that victory and defeat are the same he's urging him to act but not to reflect on the fruit of the act he says to him seek detachment fight without desire you say forget desire seek detachment yet you urge me to battle to master the words are Nagus I am confused Krishna tells him don't withdraw into solitude renunciation is not enough.
you must act yet action mustn't dominate you the sons of King Pandu were the emerging initiates of the next race Arjuna is one of the well-known characters who worked closely with Krishna the Pandu brothers were the vanguard of the Atlantean race destined to be the prototypes of the new fifth root race also called the Aryan race from the Sanskrit area meaning noble not the modern misnomer distorted by fascist thinking four million years ago the Kali Yuga age of death and destruction was in progress in the fourth route race whilst an overlapping Satya Yuga or Golden Age was starting for the fifth root race .
in the heart of action you must remain free from all attachment how can I put into practice what you are demanding on me the mind is capricious unstable its vasive feverish turbulent tenacious it's harder to subdued in taming the wind you must learn to see with the same eye mound of earth and heap of gold cow and the sage the dog and the man who eats the dog there's another intelligence beyond the mind.
this table shows us that the period of 3102 BC was the start of the Kali Yuga for the fifth root race and this cycle will continue for another four hundred and twenty seven thousand years this date has been one of the problems that have caused major misunderstandings for Western scholars and Hindu pundits who have incorrectly dated the Mahabharata based upon a limited Western viewpoint strongly influenced by the Christian timeline of history Arjuna's brother Yudhisthira symbolically opened the Kali Yuga era he was an actual king who lived in 3000 102 years BC but his name is associated with the great deluge at the time of the first sinking of Atlantis around 4 million years ago just after the finish of the Great War hence the confusion as the esoteric teachings that are woven into the religious traditions are full of blinds and veils to protect the teaching from the profane again because of cultural misconceptions over the centuries in both the East and the West considering anything outside of several thousand years is a place few have wished to venture at this critical juncture in the middle of the Atlantean race initiates were emerging as candidates for the Golden Age or Satya Yuga of the fifth root race they were in direct conflict with those who wanted to maintain their old ways of materialism the acquisition of luxury and the foul lists sorceries the majority of the Atlanteans pursued anything they desired and appropriated it they were completely immersed in the darkest expression and distortions of their Kali Yuga period .
according to the ancient scriptures part of the Mahabharata war was fought in flying craft known as vimana today known as UFOs this information can be found in the ancient Hindu texts the vim Anika Shastra that technology along with the knowledge of pyramid building and solar power etc has been in existence for a very long time they were some of the gifts to the race alluded to earlier after the war was fought the first Atlantean engulfed the earth resulting in a large portion of Atlantis sinking entirely beneath the sea according to the doctrine of the secret sciences both the war and the flood occurred about 4 million years ago .
following the crisis of individualization in Lemurian times this war and flood was the second great crisis in the history of humanity corresponding to the second release of energy from shambhala the home of sanat-kumara lord of the world these impacts of energy have been called the shambhala impacts and correspond closely to the essence of each root race hence the figures three three three four four four and five five five Express the branch race of the sub race of the root race they are deeply philosophical numerically and are also literal points in history each impact has been destructive yet they have destroyed the obstacles that have prevented human progress and ultimately regenerated the world.
whenever the history of the universal flood is told the story of Noah is not very far away no matter what tradition or by what name he is called muha in the hindu tradition or no key in the Indian civilizations Noah's story is allegorical deeply symbolic and literal Noah was the Hindu Manu also called vice Vata Manu guide of the new emerging fifth root race Manos our highly evolved beings who set the archetype and destiny for a race.
the man who Noah's reign spanned the interim period between the destruction of the fourth Atlantean root race and the emerging fifth root race the story of the animals boarding the ark two-by-two is literal no doubt but also an allegory for the scattered remnants of humanity they were so recalcitrant in their old ways that in the words of one adept they were salvaged in spite of themselves so in light of these 10 Hindu mothers and their Jewish patriarch equivalents we can consider Noah as the team's patriarch who was equivalent to the Hindu Vilas Futterman and we have stories in the Bible and in many other traditions around the world in different mythologies of this being who built a larger arc and collected animals two by two and sailed around the world and rescued them this is the story of the great flood of Atlantis that engulfed most the planet and many left the mountaintops existent with a few survivors on them and so the story of Noah's Ark isn't an allegory for humans being collected possibly animals - this being called Noah took all these remnants all these animals if you like back to a location in the Himalayas where he basically bred them over a period of a few million years into a new race and then when the time was ripe about a 1 million years ago this race was released down into India as the first sub race of the fifth root race and that was there such a yuga that was the golden age of the Hindu race where there was a very high type of civilization a very high consciousness driving it as well so you see the same kind of legend in South America where he's called Newark and the same type of story where he rescued the remnants of humanity and in fact if you look at the indigenous people the Aymara people in Peru you see that they are identical to the Tibetans and it's quite likely that this new act individual took people from South America to a place in the Himalayas.
these various sub races and branch races that survived the flood were rescued by Noah on the highest reaches of mountains where refuge had been found from the extraordinarily high floods that covered the entire planet over a period of a few million years a synthesis of races was created eventually to become the first Hindu sub race of the fifth root race this race emerged about 1 million years ago in India again incredulous viewers may find their traditional interpretation of history challenged by the wide disparity in time between the currently accepted date of 2500 years BC for the Hindu civilization and 1 million years.
there were three more Atlantean floods up until relatively recently this has become a source of confusion for scholars chronologically mistaking Plato's Atlantis as the only Atlantis and the only sinking when in fact the sinking of the various continents and islands of Atlantis spanned approximately 4 million years this table depicts the sub-races that have emerged during the fifth root race note that the Hindu sub race is the first sub race and hence the cradle of all Western races and Nations it was in the Golden Age or Satya Yuga of India 1 million years ago that the highest possible types of humanity incarnated as divine exemplar ease of what the race could be all the Western Subrosa side arrived from the first sub race of this fifth root race which was the Hindu and this is about a million years ago so this first sub race of the fifth root race manifested in what we call India today and the other sub races came into being over the last 1 million years so we have the second sub race which was the Egyptian Mayan which had its origins in the south of India which is now sunk in the Indian Ocean we have the third sub race which is the Semitic we have the fourth sub race which is the Celtic Latin and we have the v sub race which is the Teutonic Germanic anglo-saxon the Hindu sub race is the foundation of all the Western races most of whose languages can be traced back to their roots stem Sanskrit the succeeding sub-races emerged in roughly two hundred thousand year intervals well we are told in the eggs of wisdom teachings that sensor's the ancient language of the gods and that it preceded Sanskrit and Sanskrit of course is the ancient language of the Hindu so censor has to be older at least older than 1 million years and was probably the main language of the adepts during Atlantean times it's a symbolic language and it is there still exists in the ethers for us to tap into if we so choose .
the genesis of the Egyptians and Mayans is very ancient no less than eight hundred and sixty thousand years ago both groups came from a now sunken part of southern India the ancient Tamil Nadu of which Sri Lanka is the remnant they traveled at the time of the second Atlantean submersion finding their way to Ethiopia and Guatemala respectively hence the similarity of their esoteric knowledge rituals architecture art pyramids astronomy customs etc not only with one another but also with Mother India .
both groups acted as a bridge between the old Atlantean races and the new fifth root race though strictly speaking in consciousness they were of the fifth root race nevertheless their Genesis goes back a long way into Atlantean history .
the second great deluge happened around about 850,000 years ago which was the start of the second sub race of the fifth root race now the Egyptians went to what is now known as Ethiopia and gradually work their way down the Nile over hundreds of thousands of years and the Mayans went further to Guatemala and again we have these language keys to tracing these civilizations for instance there are many words used in the Mayan language which resemble words in the language of Sri Lanka so these are very important keys to tracing civilizations and their cross fertilisation with one another .
in that second deluge of Atlantis apparently most of the Atlantean Giants met there their watery fate they were wiped off the face of the earth and a lot of these giants had great magical powers and wreaked a lot of destruction over a long period of time the third deluge happened around about two hundred and seventy thousand years ago and the fourth and final deluge of Atlantis happened with the sinking of Poseidonis the last island that remained just out of the so called Pillars of Hercules given that a train and this last sinking of the zionists occurred around about 13,000 years ago this table depicts the four major yuga cycles of this fifth root race which spans almost four million years the corresponding ages as they were known in Greece are displayed as well as the durations of these cycles with their respective Manos divine archetypes of the race note the being called Asura Maya intimately associated with the Mayans and source of the most hidden knowledge regarding astronomy astrology and cycles Egypt has been the repository and guardian of the world's mystery tradition for about 800,000 years pyramid technology had been around for millions of years before that as has the science of astronomy going back at least 3.2 four million years into the Atlantean period the astronomical records of universal history are said to have had their beginnings in the third sub race of the fourth route race or the Atlanteans ancient knowledge demonstrates that even since the time of the regular establishment of the zodiacal calculations in Egypt the polls have been thrice inverted occult lore states that the poles are inverted every 1 million 80 thousand years likewise other popular subjects of researchers have invaluable clues such as Stonehenge archaic records show the initiative the second sub race of the fifth root race moving from one land to the other for the purpose of supervising the building of manures and dolmens of colossal zodiacs in stone the fact of their crossing from France to Great Britain by land may give an idea of the date when such a journey could have been performed on terra firma .
hence Stonehenge and many other constructions in Europe are much more ancient than hitherto speculated up to eight hundred and sixty thousand years old note also that these enormous structures were erected partly through the brute strength of the Giants of that race had there meant no Giants to move about such colossal rocks there could never have been a Stonehenge a Carnac in Brittany France and others such cyclopean sculptures if there had not been such a thing as magic there could never have been so many witnesses to oracular and speaking stones magic here also refers to the utilization of the science of sound to erect those structures in the near future there will be seen the reappearance of the Faculty of the Lemurians and early Atlanteans to raise great masses this time on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral these monuments were raised through the ability of the early builders to create a vacuum through sound nullifying the force of gravity and utilizing it for their own purposes this fact is elsewhere corroborated in many parts of the world where stories abound of priests who used mantra more harmonious chance to raise huge weights effortlessly and likewise the power of sound was used to destroy in the Christian Bible is the tale of Jericho a story that has descended to us from Atlantean times in those days the use of sound on physical and emotional levels was understood and practiced being utilized for selfish and materialistic ends in most of the cases when trumpets were sounded a certain number of times after a rhythmical circuit of the walls of Jericho those walls collapsed this was made possible by the secret knowledge of the leaders of the people who being versed in the science of sound and having studied its destructive and creative effects knew just the moment to apply that science and affect the desired in megalithic sites are very important for tracing.
the hidden history of humanity and all the civilizations that have come and gone and this is because they tell us they they speak to us about the past about the consciousness that designed the various temples and buildings and pyramids and so forth we can find ruins that are not so sophisticated reflecting the consciousness of that particular civilization and we can find ruins that are incredibly sophisticated and reflect our high consciousness which was driving that that civilization at that time the fact that we have many ruins on top of each other over many many millions of years makes it very confusing to discern which civilization came first and which was older than the other and so the hidden history of humanity project is about establishing or re-establishing the correct chronology for human evolution because this human evolution is essentially the the story of the human soul and the unformed of consciousness since that period back in Lemuria twenty one and a half million years ago when individualization occurred .
thus far the viewer may still be incredulous at these extraordinarily long cycles being discussed here consider this if the precession cycle of twenty five thousand nine hundred and twenty years was known to the ancients then they may well have studied and lived through those cycles at least a few times.
pliny the ancient roman historian writes that epigenesis ested to the fact that the Chaldeans preserved astral observations in inscriptions upon brick tiles extending to a period of seven hundred and twenty thousand years Cicero the Roman statesman and philosopher somewhat indignantly relates the Babylonian priests assertion that they had preserved upon monuments observations extending back 470 thousand years the neo-platonist philosophers simplicious who lived in the sixth century AD wrote that the egyptians had kept astronomical observations and records for the past six hundred and thirty thousand years .
there are numerous examples of these kinds of figures from historians and philosophers like Pythagoras and Plato who lived in our relatively recent history but who were in touch with a much greater antiquity in plato's ancient writings he talks about this 9,000 years before his time but this is also a veil for a greater period of time where he's talking about the the second flight of Atlantis 900 thousand years before his time and so he's talking about to to floods at the same time in his writings because he was an initiate or a master so his writings can be interpreted on several levels why would these recognized and respected commentators in many fields contrive these figures independently of one another modern authors have also ignored data that is available to them in their own disciplines such as the Hindu or Mayan systems for measuring time as Wendell Phillips once said we have a pitying estimate for the narrowness ignorance and darkness of the bygone ages .
by ignoring the vast cycles of time discussed in the most ancient traditions of the east mainstream and alternative investigators have arrived at dubious and far-fetched theories of dating history this has come about through trying to address the disproportionate timescales between the mainstream theory of the dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago and the accepted theory of civilization emerging between five to ten thousand years ago hence theories such as cataclysmic geology and crust slippage have been put forward over the past 100 years or more cataclysmic geology states that the geological timescale has been compressed by cataclysmic events giving only several thousand years duration instead of the actual millions of years figures this theory of cataclysmic geology stands in direct opposition to the most commonly held theory of uniformitarianism the concept that the Earth's surface was shaped by gradual processes such as erosion and by small sudden changes such as earthquakes and floods perhaps the truth lays hid in the middle way between these two opposites Kenna prisms come around regularly and psychically through the rounds amendment eras the UGA's and they come .
destroying with fire or with water or with wind and they're created by cyclic events that are associated with the Sun and the moon's gravitational pull on the earth and no doubt other factors geological cataclysms have come and gone for millennia shaping the evolution of the earth.
another middle-way solution on the theme of chronology is that infant humanity emerged 20 million years ago close to the dinosaur extinction this is verified by teachings of the Ageless Wisdom in concurrence with this alternative chronology is the esoteric doctrines dating of the Cretaceous period at 16 million years ago bringing discoveries such as fossilized human footprints in Cretaceous rocks into more reasonable contention in crust slippage Theory the entire outer shell of the earth moves approximately 2,000 miles like the loose skin of an orange this theory was based upon the idea of continental drift that posits the existence of an ancient supercontinent called Pangea or Gondwanaland where all current continents were joined together gradually drifting apart the Ageless Wisdom does not concur with these theories but asks fair-minded investigators to consider that far older continents may lay hid beneath the ocean floor who strata have never been geologically explored.
in relation to the Cataclysm that occur on the planet the continents breakup and sink or their rares from the ocean floor and this is countered to the sign the current scientific theory of Guandong Island where we see this one supercontinent all the continents joined together then gradually through continental drift drifting apart and creating the current position of the confidence on the planet as a totally this is not so the conference actually sunk beneath into the Earth's crust and I raised again from the Earth's crust so as we transition from this fifth root race to the sixth root grace we will see these continents re-emerging from the Earth's crust again and being raised up out of the ocean and creating new confidence while other continents sink like Lemuria and Atlantis today's continents have several times been submerged and then reappeared bearing new groups of humanity and civilizations ancient earthquakes floods and volcanic eruptions caused continents to sink just as future geological upheavals will cause those same continents again to disappear and Rhea merge but in the latter's case not identical to their old forms the one causal factor that has always been behind these periodical renovations of the earth has been the varied rotation of the earth on its axis caused by the magnetic pull of the Sun and Moon this has led to decreased velocity of rotation causing the waters to flow toward the polar lands submerging them whilst new lands arise in the middle equatorial regions hence these periodic solar and lunar influences flatten the globe around the equator making it go down in some places and swell up in others the swelling runs toward the extremities of the poles hence new lands arise and old ones are sucked under .
related to the phenomenon of decreased axial rotation our periodic tilts of the Earth's axis that bring on ice ages and floods creating exterminations of civilizations flora and fauna these are not random occurrences but as described in the science of cycles follow a universal pattern that acts at the appointed time in strict accordance and harmony with karmic law .
according to the ancient wisdom there have already been four axial disturbances where the old continents were engulfed by the oceans other lands appeared and huge mountain chains arose where there had been none before the face of the globe was completely changed yet each time it required several thousand years of remodeling humanity is today approaching another axial tilt in this transition phase between the 5th and 6th route races over the next 25 thousand years .
the esoteric doctrine states that another cause of Earth changes belongs to a grand cycle of 1 million 80 thousand years where the planet is subjected to a complete physical revolution resulting in the poles exchanging places today the earth is witnessed to the ending of one of these cycles that will bring on these changes during this cycle the poles slowly move toward the equator whilst the tropical regions with their prolific flora and fauna move toward the poles this is the reason why there is fossil evidence of tropical plants having existed where the freezing tundra regions are today at the end of this approximately 1 million year cycle changes in climate are accompanied by earthquakes and other disturbances taking about 25 thousand years to complete today the magnetic north pole is moving faster than at any time in human history currently relocating towards Russia at a rate of about 40 miles a year hence as the magnetic shift and eventual reversal of the poles continues the physical reversal or flip of the poles will take place at axis tilting intervals in the next 25,000 years this period will usher in the sixth root race the fourth and final sinking of the Atlantean continents and Islands was that of Poseidonis in 9564 BC plato's description of Poseidon's fate as 9,000 years is a reference to this latter period for plato's time several centuries BC but it is also a veiled reference to the Afra mentioned second major sinking of Atlantis which took place nearly 900 thousand years ago Atlantis was not in one particular place as many investigators seem to think it's islands and continents were scattered around the globe so ancient Atlantis was centered in the USA where the USA is today but it was scattered all over the globe there was no one Atlantis to be found anywhere where many many books are written about this.
I finally found Atlantis but the author does not realize that mantas comprised many continents in the Atlantic Ocean south of India in the Pacific Ocean so forth but we are told in the Ageless Wisdom teachings that the main continent or the main hub of civilization of Atlantis was centered in the USA and so the north american indians are actually remnants of the latter sub-races of the four through price of their Mountain rupees indeed many of their rituals and customs very similar to the Tibetan rituals and customs and there have been several books written about this by academics so again we have this connection you know their various theories saying that they came over the land bridge in Alaska and so forth but it more than likely has its origin with with Noah and the faring of survivors to different parts of the world .
the Atlantis nine hundred thousand years ago was a very large island continent now sunk in the Atlantic Ocean plato's description of an Atlantean city was a generic blueprint for many Atlantean cities the remains of which have been discovered in several locations in South America and elsewhere and so the sub races of the fifth root race evolved over the past 1 million years warring incessantly with the remaining sub races of the Atlanteans the manu for the third sub race of the fifth root race was Abraham founding father of the Jewish Arab and Afghani peoples one character in Abraham's story was Ishmael who represented the troublemaking capacity of the Atlantean consciousness note that the three major root races elapsed thus far and the crises of humanity are reflected in the numerals three three three four four four and five five five depicting branch race sub race and root race the three periods in this table represent the three initiations or expansions of consciousness representing control over the physical emotional and mental bodies respectively throughout the elapsed three root races they also represent three releases of intense spiritual power from the crown chakra of the world Shambhala today in Earth's crisis it is entering the sixth branch race of the fifth sub-race of the fifth root race the sixth branch race is the seed for the coming sixth sub race which will be the seed for the sixth root race eventually based in South America over the next twenty five thousand years .
the United States is playing a critical role as a bridge between the last sub races of the fifth root race and the beginnings of the sixth root race initially based in Brazil so in the USA we have a melting pot of races we have black white brown yellow you name it and it's creating a new blend color wise and where they say everyone will be brown eventually and and this will be probably the case in the six Road race as it emerges in the next 25,000 years in South America but I'm sure there'll be certain ethnic types who will retain their particular archetypal colors and and DNA and so forth but essentially we're looking at the six fruit grace as being a blend of all of humanity that has ever been and this is a revolutionary idea because it's never happened before in the history of the planet .
the sixth root race returns to the middle of South America where the old power spots are gradually reawakening the fifth root race is in its kali-yuga cycle just as the Kali Yuga was active in the previous cycle in Atlantis as mentioned previously this confusion of the Kali Yuga of the fourth and fifth root races led to major errors in chronology it is said that ultimately the fifth root race will be destroyed by fire through volcanoes and earthquakes just as the Atlantean race was destroyed by water humanity today finds itself going into the sixth root race from the fifth root race and we find ourselves in a similar position as we did back in Atlantean terms when humanity was transitioning from the fourth root race to the fifth root race and humanity had to make a choice at that time whether to follow the way of light autos to stay with a way of materialism and this brought on the the Great War at that time and we find ourselves in a similar position today as we move into the six road race and with all the same type of challenges for Humanity to to discern .
world wars 1 & 2 are subjectively regarded as one more a recapitulation of the ancient Mahabharata ungulate with the same forces ranged against each other the so called lords of the dark face versus the lords of shining countenance so it's important to understand today that we are in a third phase of the world war.
it currently exists in the mental plane but depending on humanity's choice it could go to the physical plane as it did in World War 1 and to World War one and to are regarded as early as one war and as a recapitulation of the Atlantean war where the same forces were arranged on both sides and this time in world war 1 & 2 the forces of light triumphed the door where evil dwells quote-unquote was sealed but in the last 70 years since World War 2 that door has drifted ajar somewhat and the forces of materialism have refined and consolidated their position even more so now we have this third phase of the world war that is raging upon the mental plane in terms of the world of ideas ideologies and so forth and it is through conferencing communications politically culturally and so forth that will bring about a resolution of this problem but the point of least resistance as it always has been for Humanity is to work it out on the physical plan through sheer force and this is real danger at the moment because the the increasing Shambala impacts the the the increasing force of Shambala which we had told we had the fifth impact in the year 2000 is going directly to humanity where hitherto had been veiled or filtered by the hierarchy so the point of least resistance for Humanity when they received this Shambala force is to use force is the power of the will in its lower aspect so these are the dangers we are facing yet the hierarchy made a calculated risk to allow this this sound battle force to go directly to humanity because it's it's going to help speed up evolution and accelerate evolution this planet has fallen way behind in its evolution that should be at the same status as Venus we're told in the Ageless Wisdom teachings and the reason it isn't is because of the failure of the moon chain evolution previous change of this earth chain .
it is interesting to note also that the lost Atlantean technologies are starting to really miss day and age also since world war two UFOs have been very prominent hence the world is only just emerging from this recapitulation period it is now upon the upward swing of the pendulum from the middle period of the root races but also the halfway mark of the entire planetary scheme the war between these opposing forces of materiality and light still rages upon the mental plane as humanity finds its way through the darkness before the dawn toward the approaching Aquarian cycle reminding us of William Blake's immortal words.
I will not cease from mental fight nor shall my sword sleep in my hand as a result of events that transpired at the end of the last World War it is said that the great avatar known in the East as Maitreya and in the West as Christ will return again soon to walk amongst humanity the hierarchy have planned to externalize amongst humility once again for the first time in about three or four million years so we are really living in extraordinary times that forces of materialism know this are aware of this fact and are fighting tooth and nail to keep the status quo the way it is so that the forces of light do not do not manifest so we are really emerging from a period of of control by the forces of materialism despite the fact the fact that many thousands of people have reached the liberation since that time but overall the plant has been in control by those forces .
why have the Mayans come to assume such prominence in popular thought in the past 50 years we have been told that there will be an alignment with the galactic center yet is the end and beginning of to 26,000 year precession cycles this will be taking place in Aquarius on the greater wheel coinciding with the more well-known 2160 years cycle in Aquarius on the lesser wheel hence we are in a time of unique opportunity to Aquarian cycles a new precession cycle will take humanity into the sixth root race proper in about 25,000 years time but Mayan elders and others connected to the secret wisdom do acknowledge that Earth changes will increase for the next few hundred years and it is occurring with increasing frequency level humanity regards these kind of events as material disasters yet they have always been cyclic in nature and accompany the shift of consciousness from one race to another just as there is usually a new continent that is raised for the new race hence parts of South America may sink whilst other older land forms nearby may be raised out of the sea the Mayan tradition points the way to South America and its role for a reawakened Shambhala from where the Ancient of Days or the Lord of the world will resume his watch for the sixth root race the Mayans ancient base in Guatemala and the consciousness that was generated.
there is a bridge between North America with its synthesized European consciousness and the future sixth root race in South America for thousands of years Central America has played the role of a great meeting place for many cultures from the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans currently the main focus for Shambhala is in one of its branches somewhere in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia existing in invisible etheric matter as noted earlier the original location of Shambhala in Lemurian times was in South America whilst another branch of Shambhala was much later connected to the Mayans in Guatemala.
hence a full circle cycle approaches where the focus of this planetary crown chakra we call Shambhala will shift to South America once more occult lore states that during this period Britain will sink entirely whilst a large chunk of California will disappear cataclysms will occur worldwide during the next 1000 years continents will be shaken lands will be razed and submerged culminating in the profound material disaster which will overtake the world towards the close of the fifth root race this will usher in the infant sixth root race yet all of these events happen within naturally occurring cycles the elevation and subsidence of continents is always in progress the whole coast of South America has been raised up 10 to 15 feet.
the British islands have been four times sunk beneath the ocean and subsequently raised again and peopled within the last five or six thousand years the shores of Sweden Denmark and Norway have risen from 200 to 600 feet in Scotland there are raised beaches with outlying stacks and scary's surmounting the shore now eroded by waves the north of Europe is still rising from the sea and South America presents the phenomenon of razed beaches of over 1,000 miles in length now at a height varying from 100 to 1300 feet above sea level .
forms whether they are land masses or humans come and go but the consciousness remains and moves forward it is the souls evolution toward liberation that is the most important factor whether it be individual group racial national or global the sixth root race is where the intuition will be developed and will express itself through the qualities of the heart and right human relationships humanity will reclaim knowledge of some of the lost Atlantean technologies create new forms of music and art as well as gain an understanding of the nature of the soul reincarnation and its true place in history the Aquarian cycle will be an age of science exoteric and esoteric where the universal spiritual laws will come into a much closer alignment with our earthly laws and a period of peace could well reign in the new Satya Yuga or Golden Age .
the sixth sub race represents a synthesis of all Western and Eastern races particularly in the USA note in the triangle diagram that one common denominator is the energy of the second ray of love wisdom as the sole ray of Britain and the USA and the personality ray of Brazil in the coming race it will not only be the intuition or Buddha consciousness that will be the evolutionary goal but the expression of the loving heart .
the nature of the soul is relationship and the challenge for Humanity is to demonstrate right human relations it is one of the keys of the eminent Aquarian cycle so again just to restate the the reason for this hidden history of humanity project is to recalibrate chronology to recalibrate world history to reset the correct chronology for the unfoldment of human consciousness throughout the root races and into the present day and into the future and to really know the story of the human soul the unfoldment of consciousness from that individualization period back in the million times through the Atlantean root graces and all the Karma and that was created and is being worked out today this can only be an empowering factor for Humanity to help guide it into the new six race which is emerging .
as stated in the beginning of this documentary this first series of the hidden history of humanity is meant to establish a broad structure of understanding a future series will follow and fill in more detail in the meantime the viewer can visit the author's website or obtain various publications such as the hidden history of humanity vol 1 or the Shambhala impacts the possibility of discovering and understanding the origin of the human soul and it's divine pedigree is imminent in our time we stand before a doorway leading to planetary illumination upon the greatest mysteries of life the hidden history of humanity .